Research Areas
- Radiation safety and control
- Dose and risk assessment
- Radiation protection and detection
- Radiation transport and modeling
- Radiation shielding
- Space radiation
- Nuclear and radiological instrumentations
1 Medical Physics
Focus on
MCNP6 to estimate dose to the breast as a result of exposure to machines
producing ionization radiation-mammogram (publication
in preparation). Using MCNPX and
MCNP6, I simulate the energy deposited from proton and heavy ions beams to
estimate the energy lost outside the region of interest; in addition, I
experimentally investigating the effect of such beams on the normal tissue and
cells adjacent to the cancer region during the cancer therapy in collaboration
with biology and nutrition scientists at Texas Tech and other
Universities. Comparing the dose from MCNPX and the effects (obtained
experimentally) we will be able to find the relationship between the dose and the damage/effect
beyond the assumed tumor region (SOBP) with various medically significant
parameters (tumor depth and location in the human body).
2 Prediction of Solar Particle Event Dose
Determine means to predict the dose
to astronauts and the space station crew from future solar particle events,
given the knowledge of the previous dose spectra of 133 solar events. This will
help determine if and when to cancel a space trip and/or ask the crew in the
space station to stay inside the shielded room during the event time. (Funded by NASA; Manuscript
published in Space Weather Journal. Impact factor 2.2. July 24, 2018.
High Energy Charged-Particle Transport
We have been working with MCNPX, and MCNP6
Code to estimate the dose to a various material from a high energy proton and
electron space spectrum.
4 FTIR Imaging
uses of the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) to investigate the
changes in material structure (organic and non-organic materials i.e.,
polymer gel (MAGIC- f), protein, fat tissue, and cancer cells) as a
result of its exposure to radiation and/or other toxic agents by applying
mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and other available computational
modeling (Published in Journal of Applied
Polymer Science. Impact factor 1.77. February 2017).
5 Heavy Ion beam and cancer treatment
Study the effect of heavy ions beam (High LET) on human tissue (cancer and
normal tissue) and the range of the fragments beyond the cancer region (beyond
the Bragg Peak).
6 Medical Imaging
A new research area I have initiated
at Texas Tech University is to develop an effective tool to extract and
quantify data from microscopic images to be applied in biology, nutrition and
other scientific fields using Java, MATLAB medical imaging toolbox and C++
programing. The idea is to use available technology to obtain additional
physical information (e.g., change in concentration of media, change in gross
rate, how fast cancer cell grow, etc.) from microfilm or images. Manuscript
published in The Journal of Nutrition Biochemistry. Impact factor 4.52. January 2017.
1. Radiological Engineering/Health
modifications to the ICRP respiratory tract model. Our research focused on
calculating dose deposition in the tissues of the ET1 (extra-thoracic) region
(nose) resulting from beta decays by airborne sources. The work uses the MCNP4B computer code to
estimate the doses. New models of the ET1 region geometry were developed.
[Collaborators: K.F. Eckerman (ORNL) and L.W. Townsend (UT)] (Published in Health physics and Radiation
Dosimetry Journals).
2. Exposure to human from infinite
surface source
We would like to know the exposure vs. height to human from infinite surface
source on the ground due to the deposition of radioactive materials as a result
of accidental release (from nuclear power plant or other accident) (publication
in preparation
3. Cancer and low energy radiation
The effect of low energy radiation
(photon, electron, proton) beam on cancer and normal tissue in the human being
(Manuscript published in International Journal
of Radiation Biology. Impact factor
1.992, Epub July 2, 2018).
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